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March 19, 2009

A Day at the Park

Tuesday after picking up Olivia from daycare we came home and woke up Aaron... "come play with us".... so we ventured to the Buckeye Park! Olivia had her St. Patrick's day shirt on that I got her from Babies R Us and Tinker Bell Zip up hoody. When we arrived we knew that last summer she loved the swings, so we tried again and at first she would hold up her legs not knowing what we were trying to put her in. After I pushed the swing a couple of times she was all about it! Then we ventured to the merry go round, and she wanted nothing to do with it... she wanted off immediately! We played on the different sets they had there and I think her favorite thing was the slide. We tried this Orange round one and Aaron had to climb inside it to help her down... she loved it! Olivia is also now giving High 5's! When walking in the grass she was so careful, not knowing how to stelp from grass to the pebbles and then back on the grass... she was super careful. All new things to her and makes me look forward to nice weather... Fridays off and more time with her after work too, will make these next few months so much fun!!!

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