Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 14, 2009

Feed our babies and buckets of Pacies

Thursday night was just Olivia and I again, Aaron worked nights. So we played in our family room... our nightly routine. On this night she took her Tylenol bottle and was using it as abottle to feed Cookie Monster... so I knew we had an old fashion bottle in our cabinet, got it out, cleaned and it she thought it was the coolest thing ever! So she would go around feeding cookie monster and her babies, most of all "Red"... our cabbage patch kid that has its mouth open for a pacifier...she is always feeding that baby.

Then She found this bucket in her room with all her "old baby" pacifiers that we went through to find the one she liked and a lot were shower gifts. So she thought she had hit the jack pot! She woud take one out and then put another in... it was cute to sit and watch her look at them and she also gives them to her babies too... adorable!

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