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August 20, 2010

Everett John

My morning started at around 3 in the morning, I couldn't sleep. But I woke Aaron up around 4:30 am and we were on the road to the hospital at 5:20 am. It was a very quiet drive... I can only imagine what he was thinking because I knew what I was thinking.... I was very nervous for the surgery. We arrived at the hospital and they started all the paperwork, questions and IV... well at least tried the IV... the first gal blew a vein in my right hand and then the second gal got it in my left hand and then it had a leak... so once again they are poking around to find a vein. I've been told numerous times that I am a hard poke. But finally they got it done and I could breath... I hate needles and especially IVs sticking to my hand...ewww!! But Dr. Agrawald (spelling?) came in and explained the spinal tap.... he had read my previous experience with having to be put under so he was very understanding of my desire to stay awake for this one and he also understood that I was very afraid of needles. Dr. Schutz came in and explained the day and somehow we got on the story of beer, wine and being merry... it was funny!
7:50 am came and they started to wheel me off to the OR. Aaron gave me a kiss and we told eachother that we loved eachother and my heart just pumped... Aaron looked nervous too. In the OR Dr. Agrawald started my spinal and I had a nurse to hug.... her name was Kathy and she was SUPER! In a matter of no time at all the spinal was done and my legs started to feel heavy, I started to cry and the nurse asked why...and I said "I'm going to be able to see my baby"... and everyone awwwed in the OR. Down I go on the bed and the sheets start to go up everywhere... Aaron comes in crying already, and I start to feel sick. They give me something in my IV and I am instantly relaxed and calm. Donna was our nurse for Olivia and we had her this time too...she took our camera and got some great pictures. They started the surgery... and in a matter of minutes (seemed like seconds) they said "wow look at this kid..." and Aaron looked and then he looked at me crying and stated "we have a son"... it was a moment for sure. We both cried. Aaron went with Everett and I of course stayed behind. I know after this wonderful experience I want the same staff next time for sure... and Dr. Schutz agreed. We are truly blessed!

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

Kelly---those are awesome pictures....enjoy him....time goes way to fast!