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July 10, 2007

Hectic day

Today was a day from hell at work. Emotionally drained, mentally exhausted. I called Aaron, he brought home chinese and it was nice not to have to cook. He offered to cook and had some great ideas but I just thought quick and easy was best. I really wasn't in the best mood. I haven't been at my desk in like 2 weeks, and no one fills in for me when I am gone... and lets just say that my desk looks like a tornado went through.

(deleted text)

Next Monday is our next Ultrasound and I can't wait to see our little one. I am soo hoping that we don't see the sex of the baby.

Tuesday is my appt with my Dr. then to go over the US, and I anxious to see how much weight I've gained? I am sure I have surpassed my 1.6 lbs last month.

Our nursery is cleared and ready for paint. I am between two colors and not sure which one to go with just yet. I am wait a little longer and make sure I pick the exact green I want.

We are hoping to register in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to doing that with Aaron, hopefully he feels the same. This is the only time we will be able to do this and I totally enjoyed doing it for our wedding and can't wait to look at everything our first little one will use. All new nad waiting for "the baby" to arrive.

Off to bed... hopefully I can stop crying before going to sleep.... I hate the way I feel right now.

good night to all.

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