Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

July 17, 2007

The size of a slice of pizza!

You will gain the majority of your pregnancy pounds in the next few months. If you were heavy to begin with or have put on too much weight, don't fuss. As you go forward, just try to keep your weight gain as steady and gradual as possible.

Your Baby:
Your tiny diver has a few new moves, thanks to its buoyancy in amniotic fluid. It can turn, spin, somersault, and jackknife. Its motions are becoming more forceful and coordinated. The connection between its brain and limbs is growing stronger every day.

Your Body:
You might feel klutzy, off-balance, and accident-prone. Two hormones, progesterone and relaxin, are responsible for making your pelvic bones separate more easily during labor. As the joints in your pelvis soften and loosen, your hips widen. Your grip may feel looser, too. There is a shift in your center of gravity. Do not wear high heels.

1 comment:

Britni said...

I was very klutzy while I was pregnant.My belly got so big the cash register drawer at work always ran into it,I could never avoid it.I also ran into a lot of door while I was opening them...if that makes any sence,haha!