Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

July 1, 2007

Interesting tid bits

Month 5/ Week 20

Baby's Length: 6 inches
Baby's Weight: 7.5 oz
Baby's Size: Magic 8 Ball

Your skin is stretching and changing. Due to an increased secretion of oils and hormonal changes, some women have glowing, dewy skin that's clear, while others are revisited by the acne that plagued them in high school.

Your Baby - Soon your baby will be covered in a protective, cheesy coating called vernix caseosa. This rich, homemade "moisturizer" is made up of dead skin cells, oil, and lanugo. It will keep her skin soft and smooth as she bathes and swims in amniotic fluid. It also will protect the emerging sensory cells and glands in her skin.

Your Body - There may be changes in your pigmentation. Sometimes a dark vertical line, called the linea nigra, becomes visible down the middle of your abdomen. You may get irregular brown patches on the face or neck known as chloasma, or the mask of pregnancy. Others may have red itchy palms and soles.

Your Partner - Ask your mate to give you a massage. Dab a little massage oil or moisturizer to warm up the hands. Use gentle but firm strokes. Always rub in a downward motion. Don't massage the abdomen, and keep a light touch with the toes and the webbed part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. (These points could stimulate contractions.) Touch can be a powerful, yet reassuring way to stay close. And remember, massage is a skill that you both can enjoy practicing on each other -- and baby! ( (I thought I had read somewhere that you shouldn't get feet massages while pregnant. I was amazed by this. But I guess they know what they are talking about. I usually only ask Aaron to rub my neck and shoulders for headache purposes!)

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