Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

July 5, 2007

Vacation day!!

Well the week is 1/2 over. Aaron has done a knock out job on his honey do list. The bathtub is going back on today thanks to Jason's help, the front foyer is grouted and ready to be sealed, the main bedroom door is ready for installation and Aaron has even put trim around our kitchen window, door stop on the bathroom door and might possible be moved into our master bedroom tonight...WOO HOO!!

Tuesday night we had a party at a friend's house in Arlington. We had a great time and I liked seeing Aaron and Matt hitting it off. They have a beautiful house and are super nice! We played corn hole, and watched fireworks and ate lots of good food.

Yesterday we went to Van Buren for the camp grounds to hang out with my family. We ate lots of good food and like always had great conversation.

Today back to work for Aaron and I have already 2 loads of laundry done, boiled nipples, sanitizing bottles, and will be washing windows here shortly. If I do get into my bedroom that will keep my busy, cleaning our old one. Dog hair, washing walls and clearing out our stuff making room for Baby Gus. I can't believe that we only have like 19 weeks.... 19 more Sundays, 133 more mornings to wake up and get stuff done....AMAZING!

I cleared out a cabinet today for the bottles. Robin gave me a big bag of hers to use and I will be registering for more. She has been such a great help with advice, stories, medical information, and most of emotional support being my sister. I can't wait for this little one to come and see the love in her eyes that I have for her kids. It is an amazing feeling. I look at her boys and can feel joy and love seeing that these are hers.... part of her and Chris and they are growing so fast it makes me want to cry sometimes. They have had 2 Pre-School shows and I have cried at each one.... I can't wait for them to meet their new cousin!!!

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