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March 13, 2008

Week 1 of Day Care

Well tomorrow finishes off Olivia's first week at Loving Care DayCare. And I think we are both sighing a breath of relief. Olivia has had a long and tiresome week but is getting better and better. I think the girls at Loving Care are getting used to Olivia too. Her nap schedule has been short and sweet.... and I am sure the sweet part is not all that sweet. A tired baby is never a happy baby. But as I look at her sheets they send home I see that she is slowly taking a longer nap here and there.

Yesterday when I dropped her off , I have never cried so hard as I did yesterday. When I left, she was in the exersaucer and as I left I turned around to look at her through the window and she was looking at me like "Mom, where are you going?". It killed me. Tears are coming now as I type it. Today I left and cried again. It is hard to hand your child to someone and then watch their face as you leave.... I hate it everyday! I just want to be with her, hold her, and play with her. I want to be her mother... I want to raise my own kids. But I don't think that will ever happen.

They all say it is best for you and your kids to have them in some type of daycare. Well I am very intersted in starting up a Play Group in our area and that would benefit not only children that go to daycare but also children that stay home with either mom or dad.

I am thinking of doing it in early spring... possibly at the Buckeye Park... provide juice boxes for the kids and animal crackers and pop and snacks for the moms. The kids can play and the moms can talk about what is bothering them, making them happy, and what they might need some help with. I hope other moms are interested too. I am thinking of making cute invites for all moms with kids 7 and under.

Well tongiht is night #2 with Aaron working 3rds. This morning he called me once he got home and I was already sitting in works parking lot at 7:30 am. We talked a little bit and then off to bed he went and off to work I went. He said that when he picked up Olivia today that she was playing in her exersaucer and she had to see him... so he wispered to her..."what are you doing baby cakes?" and he said she looked at him and all the sudden this huge smile came over her face.... he said it melted his heart. Too cute!

Well off to read in bed and then up again tomorrow. Only work until 12 noon and then Aaron and I are getting our house ready for Olivia's Dedication on Sunday.

God Bless and Good Night!


Britni said...

I know when I worked during Ember's pregnancy it was heart breaking to leave Ava but I guess what made me feel ok was to know she was being cared for by Mark. I think I would be a basket case if I had to leave them at day care. If I got paid enough though I would do it. I love having a part time job to get out of the house....having two now is a whole new ball game along with nursing we have a lot to plan around and Mark's schedule to consider. I hope I get the chance to start back up at my store this summer. I miss it.

Britni said...

You are doing great by the way. I know this is hard on you. I wish I had advice for ou. I know my sister & Christy know exactly what you are going through. It's really hard!

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Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Britni's sister. Even though I don't know you I thought I'd give you some words of comfort! I know all too well what you're going through. I work fulltime and my daughter Paris has been in daycare since she was 8 weeks old. My son Landon started around 8 weeks old too. There is no way that we could pay our bills if I stayed at home, so I work! I have to say that it gets easier as you settle into a routine. For me, it's much easier now that I see how much they love it there and are thriving. Paris (3) looks forward to it every day and Landon (15 months) has actually started crying sometimes when my husband Mark goes to pick him up! He wants to keep playing! The best advice I can give it to cherish every second and make the most of every evening and weekend. You'll get the hang of it and Olivia will be just fine. HUGS!!!