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March 22, 2008

Where's Spring?

Well Spring is supposed to be here and all I can see is snow! Olivia plays in her exersaucer and Aaron sleeps. An exciting Saturday at the Tussing house.

When I picked Olivia up on Wednesday they had made her an Easter basket with an egg in it. It was soo nice that I just was soo happy with our decision to bring her here. They made them out of tupperware and wal-mart bags. Too cute.

Friday they were closed due to Good Friday and Monday Aaron and I are off together because Jason comes home from Texas for a day or two and then goes back and then shortly after that leaves for Kuwait. It will be nice to see him again and especially have him see Olivia.... she has changed so much!

Friday the 28th Olivia goes for her 4 month shots and maybe Dr. McCullough will say for us to start foods with her. I am excited to see her eat off a spoon and try something new!
Today I was going to take her to Wal-Mart to get her picture done with the Easter bunny but the roads look bad and it is sooo cold out. The wind just howls out here. I think we are in to stay!

1 comment:

Britni said...

That is so cute that they made her a little basket. They sound like they are all very sweet there. Have a fun long weekend!