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November 29, 2008

Helping Put Up the Tree & Olivia's First Steps!!

Friday at 4 am my alarm went off and by 5:05 am Mom and I were at Wal-Mart... along with a million other Ottawa Wal-Mart shoppers! It was hard to find a parking spot, but we did get all that we wanted to get. Then off to Findlay. I got a lot of gifts, managed to finish Aaron, Jenna, Hunter, Ryley & Olivia while shopping. Feels good when you can mark names off your list. Home I came and Olivia and I started to put up the tree because Aaron had to lay down. He works this weekend... nights and sucks! But we managed to get 2 1/2 rows of limbs up and then it was nap time... hour and half later we were up and ready to continue. I didn't get it all done while Olivia was awake, it is so hard when she wants to play and then I feel bad that I am making her play alone. She did take her first steps alone Thursday at my parents house during Thanksgiving!! It was exciting and then while we played off and on on Friday she did take a few more steps alone... she gets so nervous when we try it... but I just get so excited! She did end up going to bed around 8 pm and I finished the tree and put lights on. To bed I went shortly after, probably around 9:30 pm... that 4 am alarm was doing me in by that time!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Congrats Olivia!!! I knew it was coming soon!!! Now you will get to explore the world in a whole new way!!!