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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 22, 2008

Kamryn & Olivia

We went to visit friends today to watch OSU and Michigan... of course the Bucks won!! But it was a nice visit with friends we hadn't seen in a while. My favorite part was watching Olivia interact with 2 month old Kamryn! Two beautiful little girls that will hopefully become good friends. Kami is getting so big... I haven't seen her since she was 1 week old and now filling out and smiling. Olivia would pat Kami on her leg, arm or belly... it was so cute. Kami got Olivia a birthday present too... an adorable outfit and book about colors. We've already read it once since being home. I think she looks like her daddy and she also loves to snuggle with mommy. Makes me miss that stage... little, snuggled up and molded to our chest. We ate pizza, watched the game and had great conversations... they are so down to earth and I just love visiting with them! Olivia was passed out even before we got out of Arlington and slept the whole way home. Thanks again Kari & Matt for your hospitality!!!

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

Oh my too cute, is that Kerry's little girl??? Looks like Olivia would be a great big sis!!!:) Any plans of some baby making action anytime soon???:)