Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 30, 2008

Wearing our new outfit from Kamryn!

Today Olivia wore her new outfit that Kamryn got her for her birthday. Sad to say that after her afternoon snack it came off and to the washer it went. She had a Oreo Cakester from Grandma Rosie and decided to wear half of the cookie and her juice. But it fit her so well and it's been a while since she's worn Carters... nice quality... very different from Wal-Mart... ha ha!! I also loved watching her try to stand on her own. She is taking several steps by herself now and loves to let go of our hands, or the end tables and stand on her own. You can see in the one picture she is trying to squat by herself without help... her butt sticking out is so cute! She also loves watching her Handy Manny DVD that Uncle Chuck burnt for us. We had a great day!


Britni said...

I love your pictures :) Olivia looks like such a big girl in her pretty fancy dress! I love the 3rd picture. Her hair has grown a lot!!!


Britni said...

I think I posted my other comment on the wrong post...ops!

I love the one of Olivia peeking inside her little fridge! She is too cute!

Ashley said...

This baby is looking so cute in this outfit...