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November 26, 2008

What I am Thankful For...

As another Thanksgiving Holiday approaches I am reminded of all that I am thankful for. A lot has happened this year, a friend of mine and I talked one day of how 2008 brought a lot of heart ache to people we know or to ourselves. I need to now sit back think of all the good that has happened this past year...
When I think back to January of 2008 when this year started it is hard to believe that I was on maternity leave with Olivia and she was only 6 weeks old and now 12 months old! I've been going back in my journal asking myself, what happened last year this time and would be amazed with the weather status, Olivia's size, milestones and personality accomplishments. Just makes me also realize how time has flown by so fast this year.
For that I am thankful for my loving husband that I am able to come home to each and every night. I lay in bed next time him and always think to myself, he could be in the bar or out with the guys but instead he is home where he is needed and I am grateful for his good values and good up bringing! I am also very thankful to be able to walk into Olivia's room each and every morning and have her look up at me with a smile. The way she wraps her little arms around me and holds on tight as I kiss her good morning... that will never get old.
This morning Olivia laid in bed with me and I heard her pop up, I look over and she sees me, crawls over and lays her head on my chest, sighs and then falls back to sleep. That could have been one of the best moments so far with her... the way she felt comfort with me being next to her is priceless. She is struggling with a runny nose and slight cough these last 2 days and hasn't been sleeping well... can't breath through her nose and have her paci at the same time.
I am very thankful for each and every day that I have with my parents. There for a while the holidays were not holidays without my grandparents. As a kid I was always excited for more presents from Grandma and Grandpa... that was what the holidays were all about as a kid... and now being an adult with a family of my own, they mean so much more to me. I wish I could tell them what I was thankful for when they were around...
I could never be more proud as I am when I see my parents with my daughter. Memories I never want to forget and only if I could keep a video in my head and be able to play it back when ever I wanted. I hope that my parents are able to instill the values, love and memories in Olivia as my grandparents did for me.
I am thankful for my job, without it I would not be able to provide for my husband and daughter... keep the house up, keep presents under the tree and food on the table. I am thankful for the opportunity to find a job 7 miles from home and 3 blocks from Olivia's daycare. It really means a lot to me right now and having that day off during the week does allow me to spend time with her, catch up on house work or just family time with Aaron too.
This might seem like I am rambling... one more thing that I can think of right... I am very thankful for the #1 soldier in our life right now... Jason Tussing! He has been over in Kuwait for almost 10 months and the 3rd time over there. I can't imagine being over there day after day knowing that my family is going on with their day to day routine... it has to be hard. So thank you Jason!
Remember what you are thankful this holiday season and remember you might not have next year to thank those special people in your life... Thank you!


Jen&Tim Smith said...

Happy Thanksgiving! See you Tuesday (I am taking a personal day on Monday - we get our cabinets!!). Have a great long weekend!

Britni said...

You are allowed to ramble, it's your blog :) I agree with you on the joy of the morning routine with kids. I woke up to Ava saying "Mommy, is it a sunny day?" into her monitor,haha! She is always full of hugs and kisses for me and is always so happy to see Drake waiting for her surrounded by toys.

Whenever I get Ember up she is just laying on her back ,feet kicked up and jabbering to herself. Then she jumps up happily and says "Mama!!" and gives me her strong squeeze with a grunt that is her signature move,haha. and of course about 10 kisses all over my face :)I love all of these things. It is good to hear a parent appreciating the joys of motherhood :) It is all to easy to focus on negative things in life.