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February 26, 2009


"Rotavirus is a virus that infects the bowels. It is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among infants and children throughout the world and causes the death of about 600,000 children worldwide annually. Almost all children have become infected with rotavirus by their third birthday. Repeat infections with different viral strains are possible, and most children have several episodes of rotavirus infection in the first years of life. After several infections with different strains of the virus, children acquire immunity to rotavirus. Children between the ages of 6 and 24 months are at greatest risk for developing severe disease from rotavirus infection. Adults sometimes become infected, but the resulting illness is usually mild."

Olivia went to the doctor today, yep another sickness. I feel that is all we have been dealing with for the past 2 months. I called the "Ask a Nurse" through St. Ritas last night and they were busy, so they didn't call me back until close to midnight. By that time Olivia was up again. Earlier that night she had a messy diaper in her sleep, I checked on her after Idol and she was laying in it. So I had to clean it all up including her, which included waking her up. So we sat in the recliner then and all the sudden she started to vomit her supper again. She has done that every night since Sunday. I was instantly thinking... "something is wrong". So after cleaning her up again she did go back to sleep. I was able to leave a message with the call a nurse and also call Aaron, and my bosses. Anyways, so the Nurse called, and suggested she see a dr. So that is what we did today. Got in first thing at 9 am, and was back in the car by 9:10. Highly contagious and could last up to 14 days or more....ugh!!! Today she has had 2 loose stools, but smaller quantity and no vomitting yet!!! Tomorrow we have Jason and Heather's rehearsal at 4 pm and then the wedding on Saturday at 4 pm. I pray that she doesn't have any accidents and starts to feel better. We got some waterproof diaper covers at Wal-mart... that might be a help if she would have an accident in her flower girl dress. Keep her in your prayers!

February 25, 2009

Home Sick

Today Olivia is home sick with daddy. I am working 8 am to 3 pm so I can get home earlier to allow Aaron to sleep. Keep her in your prayers, we have Jason and Heather's wedding this weekend... she needs to be well and ready for her princess dress. Back to getting ready for work!

February 24, 2009

Froggy Kisses!

Tonight I gave Olivia her bath and put her in one of her new bath towels from Grandma Rosie, and it is darn cute on her.... it is a frog and the other one is a Chick. But she is now giving kisses, some are with her mouth closed and some are with it wide open and her tongue out... which ever you get... ha ha! But I love, Aaron said the one day walking through the yard, she put her arm around him, leaned in and gave him a kiss on his cheek.... said it broke his heart. her personality is really starting to show...LOVE IT!

This past weekend

We played around Friday while Aaron slept. Olivia has these beads that she took from Chuck and loves to put them on her babies, dogs, daddy's trophies and even us. She has a new baby from Robin that has tennis shoes, and she loves to take them off and put them back on... she gets so excited when she gets it right. We also started coloring more. I printed out Jojo sheets from her DVD and got out the crayons and color. Makes me feel like a child again when I color with her.... so much fun! Saturday night we really didn't leave the house at all, Olivia has the a large book collection started thanks to family and friends! We read books nightly and she does have her favorites, Good Night Moon, Wiggles, Going to Grandmas, and more. You can she loves to pretend read and turn pages on her own. But I love it when she comes up to me with a book and holds her hands up like "read to me". Anytime is what I say!!! Sunday she did end up getting sick and has had very ver loose stools since. Home today with daddy and again tomorrow. I am working 8 to 3 tomorrow that way I can get home earlier so Aaron can lay down. With her being sick, our back ups really won't work out! But we will make it work.... hopefully Thursday she'll be back to daycare!

February 23, 2009

Sunday Night... Lonely Nights

So Aaron is back on nights and makes the weekends seem long and lonely, mainly because of barely seeing him and being in this house. I am so anxious for nicer weather for Olivia and I to be able to do more together outside. I feel that I run out of activities to do in the house and Iknow I get stir crazy in the house and I am sure she does too.... fresh air is always nice! It's been a while since I've just typed to type. And here it is Sunday night 10:00 pm and Olivia sleeps and I go back and forth between HGTV and the Oscars on TV.

Friday my mom and I went to Levis Commons in Perrysburg and then to Babies R Us in Holland.... I got a new Girraffe print tote for next to the fireplace for all our newspaper and lighters and then at Babies R Us I got Elan her baby shower gift and an outfit and book for Olivia's Easter basket. I am trying to buy things early... it doesn't seem to hurt the wallet so bad. I could have bought a lot more at Babies R Us, but we are on a strict budget here lately... I feel that our mad cash is gone these last few months.... things are costing more.

Saturday Olivia and I stayed in... she ended up getting sick and had really bad loose stools.... I think mainly due to too many grapes. The weather was bad and we just played, colored and cooked supper. It was nice. She hands me the crayons and I color... she loves it when we lay on our bellies and do things... I think she feels like a big kid.

Sunday we did scrapbooking at Heather Kuhlman's house... we just watched because Olivia was too shy to play on her own... which is fine, I enjoy the conversation with other adults!

The Oscars are back on and I am soon to be going to bed... eyelids are getting heavy!

February 16, 2009

Daddy catching a snooze...... listen closely!

Here is Aaron catching a cat nap last night... it is giving me troubles, so I might have to try again later, but if you listen closely you can hear him breathing really heavy... he'd kill me if he knew I published this... tee hee!!!

Our New "Tap" Shoes

For Valentines Day, Grandma Rosie got Olivia a new pair of black dress shoes, they tap all over our hard wood and tile floors. She wanted them on immediately. She also got a card with $5.00 in it. Into her piggy bank it went, and I know last year Rosanne did that too, so Olivia will have a nice little savings there when older! Here she is watching Jojo while I made pizza tonight. She wore her camo outfit today and her hair up in a ponytail... she is really starting to thin down and get so tall!

New PJs

Friday we went shopping and used some gift cards from Christmas... one was a Kohls giftcard from Chris, Ryley & Hunter. We got Olivia new pjs. 2 different pairs, one 2T and one 3T for her to grow into. The ones here are the 2T and love them on her. They have lots of room for her to wear them through out the summer!! I love getting her new things! We also had to hear daddy take a nap... snoring! He had a late night the night before... enjoy the videos too!!

February 15, 2009

Roof Damage from Wind

Wednesday night we had up to 80 mph winds come through... this is the damage it did to our house. It is so sickening to see and I have to tell myself, it could have been worse! The joys of living in the country with no wind block anywhere!!! We just put it on this past summer.... I feel that we'll never get a head... I so want to get it done, sell it and start with a "finished" house!

February 12, 2009

Playing Around Like Monkies!!

Olivia is becoming so much fun to play with... we can roll around, chase eachother, she roars like a lion when she gets you... it is really becoming more than peek-a-boo and twinkle twinkle. It is givng me troubles when uploading... I'll try again later!

Valentines Dress

Today Olivia wore her Valentines Dress to daycare since she isn't there on Fridays. She looked absolutely adorable and her boots topped off the outfit I have to say!! All the girls loved it and we had brought in Valentines Little Debbies to share with the class!

February 8, 2009

Valentine Outfit -n- Lazy Sunday!

Today we are lazy... Olivia slept a lot better last night but still struggling with a runny nose and cough. Her medicine is going down good, she never fights this kind, we've always suggested it because of that reason.
Today Elan, Heather & Austin are coming over to visit. Elan lives in Columbus now with her husband Sean and they are having their first baby in May. The sex is unknown and her shower is next month. I am pry going to go hog wild on gifts, I love baby showers, and Elan has always been a great friend to me!
Today Olivia is wearing her Valentine outfit that I bought from Wal-Mart. When I purchased the pants I thought the 24 month looked so long, but when I put them on her, they were perfect with plenty of room to grow yet. Not as long as I thought they would be, shows how much she is growing. She has really thinned out and gotten a lot taller! She loves her videos on her portable DVD player, and even when I leave it in the car she sits at her table and points, like "where's my videos".
We've been playing airplanes, we play dolls and recently she is now starting to tickle me... and I giggle and laugh and she just loves it!
Saturday morning she rolled over in my bed and says "Hi". I say good morning baby doll and we lay there nose to nose... I looked into her eyes and she into mine... it was such an awesome moment that I couldn't help but tear up! Moments I never want to forget or take for granted!

February 7, 2009


My mom brought over Christmas gifts from Robin, Ryley & Hunter today! Olivia loves her Cabbage Patch doll, her name is Neoma. We'll pry call her Meme! She also got a Barbie Ride On Bike... perfect for the summer. She knew right away how to open the presents up... she is a very delicate opener!