Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 24, 2009

This past weekend

We played around Friday while Aaron slept. Olivia has these beads that she took from Chuck and loves to put them on her babies, dogs, daddy's trophies and even us. She has a new baby from Robin that has tennis shoes, and she loves to take them off and put them back on... she gets so excited when she gets it right. We also started coloring more. I printed out Jojo sheets from her DVD and got out the crayons and color. Makes me feel like a child again when I color with her.... so much fun! Saturday night we really didn't leave the house at all, Olivia has the a large book collection started thanks to family and friends! We read books nightly and she does have her favorites, Good Night Moon, Wiggles, Going to Grandmas, and more. You can she loves to pretend read and turn pages on her own. But I love it when she comes up to me with a book and holds her hands up like "read to me". Anytime is what I say!!! Sunday she did end up getting sick and has had very ver loose stools since. Home today with daddy and again tomorrow. I am working 8 to 3 tomorrow that way I can get home earlier so Aaron can lay down. With her being sick, our back ups really won't work out! But we will make it work.... hopefully Thursday she'll be back to daycare!

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