Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 26, 2009


"Rotavirus is a virus that infects the bowels. It is the most common cause of severe diarrhea among infants and children throughout the world and causes the death of about 600,000 children worldwide annually. Almost all children have become infected with rotavirus by their third birthday. Repeat infections with different viral strains are possible, and most children have several episodes of rotavirus infection in the first years of life. After several infections with different strains of the virus, children acquire immunity to rotavirus. Children between the ages of 6 and 24 months are at greatest risk for developing severe disease from rotavirus infection. Adults sometimes become infected, but the resulting illness is usually mild."

Olivia went to the doctor today, yep another sickness. I feel that is all we have been dealing with for the past 2 months. I called the "Ask a Nurse" through St. Ritas last night and they were busy, so they didn't call me back until close to midnight. By that time Olivia was up again. Earlier that night she had a messy diaper in her sleep, I checked on her after Idol and she was laying in it. So I had to clean it all up including her, which included waking her up. So we sat in the recliner then and all the sudden she started to vomit her supper again. She has done that every night since Sunday. I was instantly thinking... "something is wrong". So after cleaning her up again she did go back to sleep. I was able to leave a message with the call a nurse and also call Aaron, and my bosses. Anyways, so the Nurse called, and suggested she see a dr. So that is what we did today. Got in first thing at 9 am, and was back in the car by 9:10. Highly contagious and could last up to 14 days or more....ugh!!! Today she has had 2 loose stools, but smaller quantity and no vomitting yet!!! Tomorrow we have Jason and Heather's rehearsal at 4 pm and then the wedding on Saturday at 4 pm. I pray that she doesn't have any accidents and starts to feel better. We got some waterproof diaper covers at Wal-mart... that might be a help if she would have an accident in her flower girl dress. Keep her in your prayers!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Did Olivia get the Rotavirus vaccine at her 2 4 & 6 month check ups? Is this what she has then? Poor thing!Ember had those vaccines and they always upset her tummy for a couple days.