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February 6, 2009

Our First Accident

Monday night after supper, Olivia went into the tub. As I got her towel out, soaps around I proceeded to start bathing her... as you see in these pictures. When I leaned over the tub I noticed some "floaties"...."OH NO!". I instantly took her out of the tub and placed her on the rug...she had #2 in the tub, our first time ever!
So as I pulled the plug Olivia stood up and started to walk out, well with her feet wet and the tile floor she slipped and landed on her back and hit her head. She was crying so hard she wasn't making any noises and then I started to cry too. I felt like the worse mother in the world! After a little while she stopped crying but was very very snuggly. I was so worred, scared and felt terrible! Lesson learned on my part... never do that again.

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