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February 1, 2009

Heather & Jason's Wedding Shower

The shower was at U of F and the building was just beautiful! The shower was a "Wedding" shower and Jason was there too to help open gifts. They were both smiling the entire time and did very well being the center of attention. I didn't like being the center of attention at my Bridal Shower. We played 2 games, the one you can see we had to dress up the bride and groom for their wedding day with paper supplies. Jason's family and friends did him and Heathers did her dress. It ws hilarious! Then they passed around 10 paper bags with household items inside and you had to play "Touchy Feely" and guess what was in them. I thought that was nice, I like games that allow ppl at the same table to join in together! They had a nice snack and cake to follow. They open lots of gifts while Olivia was passed out on the floor napping. She did a great job and I know the wedding day will be long for her but with good naps and snacks I hope she'll make it through the pictures and church ceremony.
After the shower we went home, ate supper and changed. Us adults went Bowling and lets just say, I drank way too many Miller Lites and had a great time! Great friends, conversation and adult time, that is always needed! Olivia stayed home with Grandma Rosie and Tom and did a great job for them! I am struggling with a headache today, haven't drank any alcohol since end of October for a bachelorette party and before then was before Olivia was conceived. We just don't go out that much with Olivia now and Aaron's work schedule and also other friends' schedules, it makes it hard! But I had a great time last night. Thanks friends!

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