Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

July 16, 2007

The Results Are In!

What an AWESOME experience! First of all I knew Dr. Schutz had a new ultrasound tech, but had no idea I'd know her, Kristin Cupp! It made the experience that much better!

We got in the room and I immediately told her that we did NOT want to know the sex. She did an awesome job... she would turn the monitor away when she need to get the legs and bladder... and then the legs were crossed!! So she turned the monitor back around.

We got to see the baby looking at us, its hands, feet, back, heart beat, ear, belly button (with cord of course). A totally amazing thing it is soo hard to explain.
Mom and dad had a great time... and they would make me laugh. The baby was moving all over... and I still can't feel it kick.
All of Gus' measurements are up to speed... she said I am measuring right to my due date.
The baby is currently around 1.1 lbs. After she got all her measurements and pictures for the doctor she gave us the opportunity to get pictures of the sex body parts and she could either put them in a sealed envelope for us to open after the baby is born for scrapbook reasons, or they could keep them there in my file. It is sooo tempting to just say "OKAY TELL ME WHAT IT IS".... But I didnt' and I opted for her to keep the pics in my file and I could ask for them at any time. I thought would be nice to see after the baby is born!

Profile 1

Profile 2

A foot

After the ultrasound we ate at Chedders for supper. It was delicous!

Over all I am soo happy with the experience. The baby cooperated for everything and most of all it did have it's legs crossed.... already listening to its mother!


Britni said...

What a beautiful baby!!!I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl!!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome experience! I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!