A day to day journal of our family's journey through life. We ask for prayers for good health, little stress and extra blessings!
February 26, 2008
Just Moments Ago 8:03 am
God loves OSU!
New Toy!
February 25, 2008
Hat Shopping
February 22, 2008
Thursday - Vacation Day with Dad & Olivia

This is Olivia Thursday morning around 6:30 am. She wakes up soo happy in the morning and love to have her in the kitchen with me while I make coffee and get stuff started for the day. We talk and sing and just carry on. I wish I could have every morning with her like this! I love her so much!
Thursday we went through new daycare in Ottawa. We love it. It is state regulated and all brand new. She'll have her own crib and will be taken care of well I am sure. After viewing the infant room we saw the Toddler room and what a difference. The kids were walking around and saying "Hi" to us and just being kids. I told Aaron that I wasn't sure if I was ready for this stage yet... ha ah!! She starts there March 10th.
After Ottawa we ventured to Findlay, visited my friends at work and they oohed and ahhed over Olivia and then we did some shopping and ate lunch at Red Lobster... our first time going there since before I was pregnant... IT WAS SO DELICOUS!!
It was a great day as a family!
Sprawled out!
Tuckered out...
Rolling Over
Olivia rolled over for the first time Wednesday evening. She has yet to do it again but I was soo excited. My videos are a little jumpy because we were on our bed. I need to do more floor time with her. Robin watched her Wednesday and told me that she thought that she would be rolling over soon. Olivia has been at someone different's house each day this week and it is like for the next 2 weeks until she can start at her new daycare on March 10th. I am very greatful for all the help we've had from family and friends.
February 19, 2008

February 18, 2008
Here are some vidoes from my digital camera that I can never upload at home. I think our internet is too slow. Enjoy. These are from February 8th!
3 Months Old

Here is Olivia all dressed up for Church and she turned 3 months old yesterday!!
She did soo good at church. She watched the ceiling fans and just loved all the attention she got! She was announced in front of everyone and Aaron introduced her as "My daughter Olivia Rose Tussing who is 3 months old today"... and everyone clapped!
We ate lunch at Henry's and she did soo good there too. I even dipped her pacifier in cool whip and she loved it!!
Robin bought this outfit for her... it was one of my shower gifts not knowing that a little girl would ever be able to wear it. I love her in purple too!

February 17, 2008
Pottery Barn
We are going to church today with her for the first time. She is going to wear the adorable outfit my sister got her from my baby shower. I will take pictures once she is awake and dressed.
Right now coffee is brewing and I am going to get a head start on cleaning my house. It is 6:45 am.
Happy Sunday everyone and keep Olivia in your prayers!!
Happy Valentines Day Daddy!
February 15, 2008
Missing my little girl...

February 13, 2008
My Sweet Husband!!
February 11, 2008
Sick House
We are trying not to give it to her. Lots of cough drops and cold medicine taken here.
I hate being sick!!
February 9, 2008
Cough, Sneeze, Sniffle..... Repeat.... Repeat....
He sounds exhausted and just looks sooo run down.
Well I wake up Friday morning with a tickle in my throat... thinking "great!". So after work on Friday I wento spend money at Wal-Mart..... it is what I do best..... and I got more vicks, cough drops and Mucinex.
I now have a full blown scratch sore throat and a hard and hurtful cough. I hate it. It just comes from no where and it hurts soo bad to cough.
Aaron took cold medicine again last night and it would be hard for me to take it too because I get up with Olivia in the night..... Aaron is a zombie when he takes it.
Monday is supposed to be below zero with the wind chill and I have to take Olivia out in the cold because Aaron has to go work on his mom's room. I am hoping he picks her up around noon and goes home and stays warm. He needs all the rest he can get.
Well I might post pics today, we'll see. But other than that.... Olivia is napping right now and I am getting ready to start my 3rd load of laundry. Halls Cough drops..... here I come!!
Stay warm and healthy!
February 7, 2008
12 Weeks Old
Social Development - Just as your baby is starting to sleep more consistently, he's also crying a lot less when he's awake. There are several reasons for this miraculous change:
You've learned to anticipate and meet many of his needs, making crying less necessary.
His nervous system is maturing, and with it, the ability to cope with stress.
He is finding new ways to communicate: squeals of frustration, joyous giggles, whimpering when he's tired. If he's had colic, symptoms generally start to ease around this time.
Experts agree that the more promptly and consistently you respond to your child during the first six months of his life, the less demanding he is likely to be when he is older. Once he is completely secure in your affections, he'll be able to separate from you over time and become a happy, independent person.
Intellectual Development - It's been said that, for babies and toddlers, "repetition is the soul of wit". In addition to amusement, the repetition of simple activities has another important function: It helps build memory. The more an act is performed, the more likely it is to be remembered and a memory trace established in the brain. Once a baby can remember things from one day to the next, he'll be able to add new behaviors to his existing repertoire rather than "reinventing the wheel". A study by the Educational Testing Service suggests that 3-month-olds have developed short-term memory--they're able to recall repeated signals well enough to become bored by them. At the same time, it's clear that your baby remembers you well enough to brighten when you enter the room. From this point on, he'll be constantly enhancing his memory skills.
Enough pictures already Mom!
Olivia's First Pair of Jeans!
Olivia is now starting to notice the dogs when they walk by. You'll have to ignore the room background... this is our spare bedroom that is used as a computer room, sewing room, scrapbooking room and of course storage... ha ha!!! Mom got us new sheets for the bed, I've been waiting for me to get to the laundry mat to wash the bedspread.
Anyways.... Olivia has been noticing the dogs when they walk by. It is sooo cute. She just stops what she is doing and looks at them. I know they will be best of friends soon!!!