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February 13, 2008

My Sweet Husband!!

This is what Aaron brought home from work for me!! The card was sweet and I absolutely love the flowers. He is always on top of getting gifts on even the Hallmark holidays!! He signed the card Love, Aaron and Olivia.... I love it!! Aaron and Olivia make me soo happy! I asked Aaron a couple days ago if he is happier with Olivia in our lives than when it was just him and I.... and he said...No, it is a different kind of happy. I agree.... I am overwhelmed with so much love for this little girl in my life. I look at her and can't help but feel so much love for Aaron..... and I thank god every day for each of them!
Thanks honey.... I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

What a sweet husband :) He is always surprising you and I think that's great!

I know what you mean about feeling so happy and the love you feel for your kids & husband. I just wrotw Mark his Valentines Day card & wrote if we had only known what was in store for us when we met & how much God was going to bless us we could have never imagined it! It's good to hear a Mother who is just soaking it all in & enjoying every minute. I don't think enough people do that.

Happy Valentines Day!!