Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 1, 2008

Ferber Method

This is Olivia Friday morning when I went in to check on her she had put herself to sleep. My sitter says that she hardly ever rocks her to sleep... I can understand that she will not always have time to. But she says she puts her down and rubs her back and she fusses for a little bit but always falls to sleep on her own. Wednesday night she put herself to sleep too. I always put her in her crib after her bath so can pick up the bathroom and get her clothes around for the next day and when I went in to get her to spend some time with her she had fallen asleep on her back all by herself.... at 8 pm.

I've been propping her up on her boppy to help with her head cold. It is getting so much better... I am thinking a couple more days of meds and vaporizer she'll be all better!!

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