Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

October 31, 2008

Royce... we finally get to meet him!

Today after Olivia's "great" doctors appointment... we got the clear that she has finally got rid of her ear infection and means no tubes.... we ventured to our friends house to see their new little baby Royce! Ryan and Stephanie make being a parent look so easy... so calm and have Saleigha who is in Kindergarten and Miya who is almost 4. Little Royce was born on October 1st and is just now rollinginto the the 9lb stage... Olivia was 9lbs and 11 oz when born and I hold Royce and he is light as a feather!! He was so good while there and holding a little baby like that does make you want another, but coming home and having Olivia here all to myself makes me feel okay with waiting. I really want to wait until Olivia turns 2 and then see were we are. We know that we will not be able to afford daycare at Loving Care with 2 kids there. I hate to leave there...they are the best! But something could change and we might be able to pull it off.... it all depends on where we are a year from now! ANYWAYS... it was so nice to see them again and we've already planned a trip to Disney on Ice and a Hotel stay with a pool in the spring... I am sure we will be ready to sit back, let the kids play and enjoy a few cold beers together!! It is so nice to have good friends!!

Hunter, Olivia & Ryley

Here are the grandkids all dressed up and on Nana and Papa's couch! Their costumes were very nice and play the roles very well... I loved Ryley's the best... the puffy muscles were very neat! Hunter just loved these eyeball candies he got.... had to use them in a pic.... I miss them so much!

Paige & Olivia

Here are some "quick" shots of the girls together for Halloween! Paige kept trying to take a nose dive off of the fire truck... but they loved to see eachtoher in their costumes. I love Paige's costume and probably mostly because Jess told me that Brian always calls her his little monkey... and then how appropriate for her to be a monkey on Halloween!! I can see the girls doing a lot of things together and I hope to keep documenting their friendship in the years to come!

Thursday October 30 - Trick Or Treat

Well this was Olivia Rose's FIRST TRICK OR TREAT! Aaron and I couldn't have been prouder to be on the sidewalks of Leipsic with our daugther trick-or-treating. She got maybe a total of 8 pieces of candy. We only stopped at 3 houses. If they were close to the sidewalk we stopped and t hey were understanding not to give her a big piece...she got a lot of dum dums! I was so happy that Aaron had that night off and we were able to do this together! The night before Olivia's cousin Giavonne gave her a little halloween pucket with candy and then her first official "1st halloween" card... it was so cute and thoughtful I had to put it on our entertainment center! Ashely is a great mother and is always so thoughtful. It is so nice to see the generation of mothers out and about with their kids... kids that will someday be friends with Olivia at school!

Sgt. Olivia

Here are some pics of Olivia in all her camo! I got her a sweat suit from Wal-Mart and then a zip up jacket in camo too! She had on 2 pair of socks, pjs with feet, the sweat suit, OSU Fleece socks on top of the pjs and then the zip up jacket. She wore her OSU pink hat and gloves. I had to put a little pink on her so ppl knew she was a girl. I didn't realize that dad put the kids' names on the side of the tank until that night. I think it was a great touch!! Olivia had a machine gun in front of her... the boys were jealous that she had that at her window... but they had all kinds of other guns to keep them busy... they were all too cute and did a great job! I am trying to get more pics of Olivia with Aaron and I... I often forget about me and then go back through pics and see all of just her or her iwth Aaron.... Aaron is getting better too at reminding me!

Wednesday October 29 - Halloween Parade - 1st Prize!

7:00 pm the parade started and we left mom and dad's at 6:30 to head up town! The tank looked awesome driving uptown. My dad did an FANTASTIC job! He does body work, and re-does old cars on the side... and it shows in the time, detail, and creativity in this float! The twins were all camo'd out and Olivia too! It was so nice to see the twins... it has been a long time. My heart just breaks for them and they still can melt my heart at the same time! Always will be my little men!! 7... we take off. Dad and I rode inside the tank so I could make sure Olivia did okay riding in the back. Everyone just thought it was soo cool. Ryley waved at everyone with pride and Hunter decided to walk beside it. Ryley would see friends and would yell their name and then stand there with his chest out and pride in his face! 8:00 the parade was over and Olivia did great through out the entire thing... she would smile at ppl that would talk to her and never cried or wanted out. Aaron and I are so proud of her! And the awards get handed out. Last year the float was Pirates of the Carribean and they won 1st and Mayors choice... and this year WE WON AGAIN!! Great job Papa!! I am sure he is already thinking for next year!

October 30, 2008

Olivia at Daycare!

I was emailed these pictures from our Daycare director Kara today at work. I got tears in my eyes... I am so happy to see that she is being taken care of and having a blast!!

October 29, 2008

Happy 3rd Anniversary!

Today marks our 3 year Anniversary! I love you Aaron!
On October 29, 1997 we started dating and then on October 19, 2002 we got engaged.... 3 years later were married. I just can't believe that it's been six years since Aaron proposed... I still remember that so vividly! The drive out to my grandparents house, the tears in the gazebo and the sparkly ring in Aaron's hand. Something I'll never forget!
I feel that we've been through a lot and know there will be bumps along the road ahead as well. Marriage is work... not always easy and sometimes seems like a breeze. Now with Olivia in our lives I feel soo much closer to Aaron, we now have a family! No longer just a couple but a family! I do love him more and more everytime I get a glare from our little girl that just melts my heart. She is my everything and couldn't imagine not sharing these moments with him.

I love you Beefcake!

October 27, 2008


Olivia had a rough day today. I got an incident report today. I thought she did something bad, but instead it was because she was standing up next to the highchair today and then fell... she has a decent sized scratch on the side of her face. It doesn't seem to bother her too much, and they gave her lots of TLC and put a cold was cloth on it. I put some triple antibiotic on it after her bath. The girls said she didn't do too well for lunch today. So when I got home Aaron met us and I started her out with some lunch meat, turkey... and she cried. So then I did some green beans (her fav right now) and then Aaron tells me that she was starting to eat the lunch meet and the green beans together and that she needed a refill... so I gave her 2 more slices of the lunch meat and more green beans.... and then she ate a 1/2 a banana and a whole pumpkin cookie that Nana made her. She also drank a whole 9 oz of juice with her supper....GREAT JOB! To the bath she went! She kept saying "dada".... and pointing to Aaron. She loves to see Aaron and says "Dada, Daddy, Da"... and points at hime. It just melts my heart to see her just fall in love with him everytime she sees him. When he gets home and I say "who's here?"... she instantly looks toward the kitchen and says "dada!". I love that time of night. But now being on nights... and getting home at 7;30 am... we'll play it in the morning!!
She had a long weekend and the first day of the week is always hard for her... routines are always off.

Bachelorette Party

Jello shot anyone... sure I'll have 4!!

Lovely pictures from my friend kelly's bachelorette party Saturday night. She is getting married to my friend Mitch and Aaron is the best man in the wedding. We started out in Putnam County, headed to Ninos and then back through Putnam County. She is a doll and love that Mitch found someone like her. Me and her will be great country friends living right down the road from eachother! Kelly not doing too well here... her voice was gone!

Trying to get on top of the good ole Gilboa Cow!!

Starting the night out on Stinky's bar!!

October 23, 2008

Family Pictures

Friday at 3:00 pm we are getting our family pictures along with Olivia's 1 year photos taken! We are returning to Forget Me Not Photography in Bluffton. She did all of our wedding pictures!

I can't wait and truly hope for a little sunshine for some outside pics!!

October 22, 2008

Another 1 Prego!!

Add another friend to the "Prego List"...

Melissa & Brad due in May! Congrats you guys... can't wait to see Lily as a big sister!

October 21, 2008

Help from Papa!

My dad was helping Olivia walk around the house and was playing with her while mom and I cleaned the kitchen. It was so nice to see. I think I posted once before how my heart melts seeing my parents with Olivia... I just love it!

I know Papa can't wait for Olivia to start walking/running so they can play all throughout the house! I can still picture Papa with the twins when they were little... giggles all over the house!!