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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

October 10, 2008

Our first Happy Meal!

I didn't know we were going to do McDonalds, otherwise I would have brought my camera.

But after dropping off her rx to Wal-Mart we went to McDonalds. Ottawa has a new one and this is the first time that either of us (Aaron or I) have been inside it. It was really nice and clean. I got Olivia a chicken nugget happy meal.

We sat down and I started breaking up fries into small pieces and she instantly started to shove them in her mouth. I then started with the first of 4 nuggets. She started eating those pieces up too. I thought, "this is great!". We all sat there and ate our lunch together. Olivia would eat some, look around, eat some more, look around, take a drink from her sippy.... look around! You get the point.

In her happy meal she got a barbie.... The Paris one! She didn't know what to think of it at first but I am sure today was the first of many trips to MciD's.

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