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October 10, 2008

Doctor Appointment

Well today Olivia had her 3 week follow-up with Dr. Houston to see if her ear infection has cleared up or not. This is her 2nd antibiotic she has been on for this ear infection that is just hanging out in there.

And he did really good with Olivia... let her see all the instruments he used. He took a look in her ears and it is STILL there! I just can't believe it. He said one more antibiotic and check back in 3 weeks. This is a crucial time for her language to develop and with this infection hanging out it is hard for her to hear right now. And if we sound muffled that is what she is going to learn. I know I had tubes in my ears when I was young... and he said that if this doesn't work she will need to go to a Ear, Nose & Throat specialist and see if she needs tubes.

Aaron and I both agreed that our stomachs hurt just the thought of our little girl on this big bed going in for surgery... I know they are not going to cut her open or anything but still the thought of her being scared and having to go alone into a room. My stomach hurts thinking of it.

Keep her in your prayers, I really hope this med works and no tubes are even brought up again!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Poor little thing! I can' believe the infection is still there! My nephew Landon had over 13 ear infections in one year and just had tubes put in a couple months ago. Some babies are just prone to them. I know they are painful so I hope they get it taken care of asap! She will be i my prayers.