Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

October 27, 2008


Olivia had a rough day today. I got an incident report today. I thought she did something bad, but instead it was because she was standing up next to the highchair today and then fell... she has a decent sized scratch on the side of her face. It doesn't seem to bother her too much, and they gave her lots of TLC and put a cold was cloth on it. I put some triple antibiotic on it after her bath. The girls said she didn't do too well for lunch today. So when I got home Aaron met us and I started her out with some lunch meat, turkey... and she cried. So then I did some green beans (her fav right now) and then Aaron tells me that she was starting to eat the lunch meet and the green beans together and that she needed a refill... so I gave her 2 more slices of the lunch meat and more green beans.... and then she ate a 1/2 a banana and a whole pumpkin cookie that Nana made her. She also drank a whole 9 oz of juice with her supper....GREAT JOB! To the bath she went! She kept saying "dada".... and pointing to Aaron. She loves to see Aaron and says "Dada, Daddy, Da"... and points at hime. It just melts my heart to see her just fall in love with him everytime she sees him. When he gets home and I say "who's here?"... she instantly looks toward the kitchen and says "dada!". I love that time of night. But now being on nights... and getting home at 7;30 am... we'll play it in the morning!!
She had a long weekend and the first day of the week is always hard for her... routines are always off.

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