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October 12, 2008

Wagon Ride

We got Olivia's Step 2 Wagon put together and she LOVES it!! We have been pulling her around the house over and over again! She loves to ride in it and see us as she passes by. I think she will ride perfectly for Halloween in it. Today is going to be nice out and I hope we can pull her around outside in it too!

Today is my first Mommy-n-Me Playgroup Meet-n-Greet. It is today at 3 pm and know I have 2 or 3 other moms coming. I have been emailing other groups from Columbus and Toledo and that is how they started and they now have around 30 moms in their group. I am so excited to get this started and really hope it works out!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

How fun! I'm sorry I can't be there...if my life weren't so crazy busy I would be over there in a flash!

I love the new wagon, what fun!