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February 6, 2009

From Bronchitis to an Ear Infection

Olivia had a fever last night of 102.7 and continued to struggle today with her cough. She would have little tears come down that is how hard she would cough... then she at times would gag. So I made an appt and got her in at 2:30 pm. She has an ear infection now! Another rx and more TLC! I am so ready for summer, maybe all this sickness will go away! I feel for her, she wants to play but doesn't feel good and coughs, coughs, coughs!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I totally understand. Lilly has had a bad cough and fever since last Friday. Cough getting worse and so was fever. I have been holding off the Dr. b/c i cant stand paying a co-pay for just a cold! But this was it, I took her and she has a double ear infection! I couldn't believe it! He has prescribed some antibiotics so hopefully she will feel better in a few days. Now Paige is coming down with a fever. Ahhh Hope all is well with you and the sunshine's through these nasty germs!