Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 15, 2007

26 week appt

Yesterday was our 26 wk appt. Everything went great, I love Dr. Schutz!
Baby Gus' heartbeat was at 156. Strong as ever! I am measuring up to date and have only gained 9 lbs now!
Our next ultrasond will be around week 34-36 to get an estimate on the babies weight and position for delivery!
I was telling the Dr. that if we were to deliver in Gatlinburg we could have the baby in the Dolly Parton Maternity Wing... ah a!! I told him that maybe all the nurses have fake boobs! He laughed.
I also asked about what if we are on our way to Bluffton to deliver and he is in Findlay delivering... what happens. He said that he has always delivered his babies. That he will go to who ever is farthest along in delivery and be there. If push came to shove he could ask a either Dr. Brown or Dr. Degani to deliver. I told him that I would rather have Dr. Degani, I have not heard good things about Dr. Brown. He was fine with that. But I am hoping that we have Dr. Schutz!!
His nurse also told us that he might have me scheduled in Bluffton, because he see's patient's there Friday mornings and sometimes schedules inductions for that afternoon since he is already there. I would rather go on my own, but what is best for the baby!! I am also hoping for the 23rd of November if they would schedule... that way I can have pumplin pie at home :)
I now have to do that lovely sugar drink on August 31st... yummy!

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