Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 21, 2007

27 weeks

My Baby - It's the last week of your second trimester, and you know what that means: Just a few short months until your baby's really here! This week your baby will grow half an inch (she's now about 9.5 inches from crown to rump). She currently weighs a little over 2 pounds -- and is set to gain almost a half-pound each week for the next 10 weeks. (Yep, that means you'll continue to gain weight, too. In fact, pregnant women pack on more pounds in the third trimester than in any other). At birth, the average full-term baby tips the scales at 7.5 pounds and measures between 18 and 22 inches, although many completely healthy babies fall outside of this range. And here's another fun factoid: Although your baby has started to recognize your voice, it's hard for her to hear it clearly because her ears are covered with that gooey, protective coating of vernix. Between that and the amniotic fluid, your baby's eavesdropping ability is akin to how well you hear under water.

My Body - By now, you're putting on about a pound each week, although this does vary, so don't be alarmed if your scale-tipping differs from week to week. Your uterus has now expanded all the way up to the lower part of your ribcage, so you're probably rocking that adorable all-belly look. In fact, the only thing shrinking right now may be your libido -- so it's totally A-OK if your cravings for french fries trump your desire to do the deed. Many preggo women report that their libidos are all over the map throughout these nine months. But especially now, a growing belly may translate to feeling more tired and achy, so sex may become less and less desirable as your pregnancy drags on.

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