Today from 12 noon to 6:00 pm was a get together to celebrate John & Wilma Kania's return to Ohio. It has been almost 2 1/2 years since they left for sunny Florida to live and retire together. It was nice to see everyone, sadden to see that Rosanne was the only one of John's kids that showed. But I am sure he appreciate her and her family in attendence. Wilma's children all showed, along with many grandkids. They all played together nicely. Good food and family always is a great time!

Uncle Dan get caught up in Jason's trick.

Mr. Helpfull helps Evelyn with her gun.

Jadon pouting as dad fixes his marshmallow gun.

Adam & Aaron - what is Adam doing?

Heather & Jason, who will she shoot with the marshmallow gun?

Looked HOT! That Evelyn is a cutie pie!
Yes, the boys had a good time yesterday at your place... they were asking me on the way home if they could go hunting with uncle Aaron.. i said yes, if Aaron wants you to. Today we went to Good Stuff to get LV Football jersys with H SPANGLER & R SPANGLER on the back of them, the boys began to tell me that Aaron has a LV football helmet, and it is heavy...
It looks like you all had lots of fun!It's been so hot over here we've had to stay indoors!
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