Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 13, 2007

Here I am... 26 weeks prego

Well here I am... looking at these pics I think I look like a whale...and full term. I have 13 weeks to go yet!! I am anxious to see what I weigh tomorrow. So far I've only gained 4.6 lbs, that was last month! I am not happy about the naked belly pic, but it is the truth, things always look different under clothes, so here it is, my ugly stretched marked belly! When I sneeze my belly button pushes out, kinda gross... but Aaron always wants to see it. Tomorrow is our next appt and I can't wait to hear the heart pitter patter!! Then we have our first birthing class. 1 of 3! Enjoy!

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