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August 25, 2007

Carpet Shopping Day 1

1 room down, and 1 to go! Today we purchased 1 remnant for the computer room. We are going to have to purchase carpet for the family room off of the roll. With the dimensions we were unable to get a remnant for that room. We did find a good price on some of the shag like carpet at Laugers and plan to most likely go back and purchase it. Maybe next weekend before Jay Newell's wedding reception.

We also purchased our paint for the babies room. I was nervous picking out the color but I am so excited to start getting it put together!

This weekend we have Chuck's pug, Ozzy. He is a good dog and follows me around everywhere. Pheobe and Fisher get jealous fast and boy do they not like me or Aaron giving him lovin'. I guess something they'll have to get used to for when the baby comes.

We went through Once Upon a Child in Findlay and did buy another car seat cover. I looked around and didn't see anything else that jumped out at me. I did see a couple of swings for daycare, but did make any decisions yet.

Aaron is at the football game and I am home with 3 dogs. Just ate mac & cheese and pry goin to put in a movie that Chuck gave us to watch. He did give us one love story... that will pry be the winner.

Next weekend I have my sugar test on Friday, Car Show and Jay Newell's reception on Saturday and the car parade on Sunday. I am hoping that we get insurance on my bug before then... waiting patietnly.

The following weekend is my baby shower already... I can't believe it. Saturday is a class mates of mine wedding, Travis and I are videotaping. Aaron and I weren't invited so I am sure home right aftewards to bug my husband and get rest for the shower the next day! I can't wait!!!

Well off to that love story... good night and sleep tight!!

xoxox - Kelly, Fisher, Pheobe & Ozzy ..........and baby Gus :)

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