A day to day journal of our family's journey through life. We ask for prayers for good health, little stress and extra blessings!
October 30, 2007
37 Week Appt
Dr. Schutz comes in, tells me that now is the time not to take what I am feeling for granted... if I have any questions at all to call. I am now what they call Term. He says that I would go into labor now he would not stop it.
He measured me, and I am still measuring up to date. He felt around and could tell that the baby's head is down and the baby's body is on my left side of my stomach. It is amazing that he can tell that.
The baby's heartbeat was at 152. He then checked me and we now nearing the 1 cm mark. But he re-asurred me that I could be that for weeks. It is nice to know that we are making some progress.... from fingertip to almost a cm.
I then informed him that we had our ultrasound following our appt today and he told us that if he found anything out of the ordinary he would call.
We go for our Ultrasound and the baby is scrunched in there.... jammed packed. Kristin (ultrasound tech) even mentioned that here is very little room left. She chouldn't get good pictures, the baby's head is down and facing towards my back. She took measurements of the head, abdomen and femur bone. And guess what the baby's weight is? She did tell us it could go 1 pound either way.
Yes that is right... we have a little chubby bunny in here. I looked over at Aaron and he had this huge smile on his face. I couldn't believe that the baby could be that big already!! I was guessing maybe 6 lb...even 7 lb.
I can't wait to go in next week and hear what Dr. Schutz has to say. I really don't want to be induced but I also don't want to have a 10lb or bigger baby and possible be forced into an epidural or C-Section. Basically what the Dr. suggests I am fine with.
My parents were so shocked when I called to tell them what the estimated weight was. My dad even yelled into the phone "RIGHT NOW"? Meaning the baby weighs that right now? ha ha I couldn't help but laugh!
Padre guessed me on November 14th with a 8lb 8 oz baby . That could still happen if the baby is around 7 lb right now and the story that all baby's gain a pound a week is not true... as said by Dr. Schutz. Everyone is different... as I am finding out.
I can't wait for next week now. I'll post the pics I did get today when I get home from work. I got a pic of the spine, foot, and toes.
37 weeks
Woohoo! It's time to break out the bubbly! (The sparkling cider variety, of course.) By the end of this week, your baby will be considered full-term -- which means it could really arrive any day now. Exciting, sure. Terrifying? Yeah, that too. But no matter how freaked you might be, you're way better off knowing as much as you can about D-day. So here's the deal. No one knows exactly what sets off the big event, but somehow your body knows when your baby's fully cooked and starts releasing chemicals (called prostaglandins) that thin, soften, and dilate your cervix. When produced in large amounts, these prostaglandins will trigger your uterus to start contracting, or making involuntary muscle movements to push your baby down and out. (At some point, your water will break, too, but this is more like a side effect of labor than an actual trigger.)
But contractions alone don't necessarily mean your baby's on the move just yet. They'll get stronger, longer, and more regular before you're actually ready to start delivering. And this early-stage labor can last hours or even days. So sit tight, be patient, and keep a watch handy. Once contractions start occurring about five minutes apart for at least an hour, it's probably time to grab your hospital bag and head out -- you're officially in active labor! (More on that in My Body.)
October 28, 2007
Saturday October 29, 2005
Today is our 2 year anniversary!! I can't believe it! In 3 weeks we are execting our first child and today is the day I had been waiting for. We had a long 3 year engagement and now 10 years into our relationship I would have never guessed that we would be where we are today. It is hard to believe that 10 years ago, this football player asked this purple vw driving girl out on a date. He took me to the basketball preview at Liberty Benton.. .I'll never forget that he went to open up his Dr. Pepper and it exploded everywhere. Ha ha!! I also remember asking him to wear his glasses when picking me up so he would look smarter in front of my parents.... ha ha!!
Friday October 28, 2005
Last night we ate at Chedders for our anniversary and then after the baby is born I told Aaron that we are going to pig out at Red Lobster!!!! Yum Yum!!
October 26, 2007
Hollywood Dogs
Paw Prints
Halloween Parade Winners!
Here is dad and Travis turning on the lights in the rear of the Black Pearl. Dad is soo creative and just loves to do things like this. I think Robin gets her creativity from him.
Here I am with my Padre. I couldn't help but keep laughing at his get up. He is such a kid at heart I know these boys keep him young!!
Here is a good pic of the ship pulled by dad's golf cart.
And the rear!!
October 25, 2007
37 Wk Appt
The baby's heartbeat was at 147 and I am still a Fingertip Dilated. Which is soo fine with me. I'd like to go as long as possible and not have to be induced. I would really like to go on my own, but the doctors know what is best. If he says today, then I will not argue.
Our next appt is Tuesday and we get an ultrasound afterwards! I can't wait to see the baby again!
October 23, 2007
Urgent Visit to Dr. Schutz
I had Jeanenne take my blood pressure and it was higher than normal. She also mentioned that I have an irregular heart beat.
I called the Dr. and they said to come in and they would check to see if everything was okay. I got there, did my pee test, for the first time I had both negatives. She had my blood pressure as 140/78 and Jeanenne had it at 138/88. Juleen the nurse also noted my irregular heartbeat. I have never had anyone tell me that before.
She consulted with the Dr. and he suggest a non-stress test. I got to hear the little one in there beating away and moving all over. It was nice and I did pass the test with flying colors. I am also having small contractions. They are small, nothing compared to the real thing I am sure.
Dr. Schutz visited with me, listened to my irregular heart beat and re-assured me that everything was okay. We see him again Thursday and then again on the 30th with an ultrasound afterwards.
Tonight Aaron and I plan to cuddle on the couch and watch the result show of Dancing with the Stars.
I'll keep everyone up to date.
October 22, 2007
Week #36 - 4 weeks remaining, 30 days left!
This weekend we are going to be celebrating our 2 year anniversary. October 29th is our special day and I can't believe that it is 2 years already. We were engaged for 3 years and I thought that took forever, here we are waiting our first born and celebrating our 2 year anniversary! Saturday we are going to eat out and do a little shopping. I have a few things left on my "must have before baby comes" list and maybe we'll do a little Christmas Shopping too.
"My Baby - Week 36 - The layer of fat your baby has rapidly been putting on has now rounded out his face. His sucking muscles, which are quite powerful, have also finished developing now, and are ready for their first real feeding -- your baby's going to be hungry soon after he arrives. Speaking of eating, nearly all experts agree that breast milk is the best possible food for babies -- even the companies that make infant formula don't argue this fact. Easily digestible, breast milk provides the perfect balance of protein, sugar, fat, and vitamins that babies need to grow healthy and strong. And plenty of research points to its immune-system -- and even IQ-boosting -- benefits. But having said all that, it's equally important to remember that plenty of healthy, brilliant people (presidents, Nobel Prize winners, Fortune 500 CEOs) have been raised on formula by plenty of loving, caring moms. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't able to breastfeed -- or if you simply choose not to. If you plan to try breastfeeding, it's a good idea to get the number of a recommended lactation consultant now, in case you have problems getting the hang of it initially." Americanbaby.com
October 18, 2007
Packing for the Hospital
I am getting so anxious to know what we are having. We have our next ultrasound on October 3oth and hope to god that it doesn't show any private parts! I can't wait for that big moment of silence as Dr. Schutz pulls the baby out and says "It is a ......" and we are like YEAH!!!! I think Aaron will have tears of joy either way... and that will just make me cry as well. It is going to be so worth it.
I so want to be able to go without the epidural. I pray to god every night that he can give me the strength to pull through. I know if I breath, and use the ball, and walk, and have Aaron I should be able to do it just fine. Wish me luck!!!
Sunday brings us to exactly one month before my due date... I can't believe it. I remember counting weeks 7, 8, 14, 20 and so on. I was so excited to make it to half way and now here we are 4 weeks away!
I am so excited to hold this little one in my hands, but also feel soo blessed to be able to have it with me where ever I go. Just put my hands on my belly, rub it and smile!! It is a feeling that I can't explain... something every women should be able to experience and never take for granted!!
Well I've rambled enough... I work all day tomorrow and then have every Friday off until I deliver... it is soo close!!
Have a great day!!
October 17, 2007
Diaper Cake
Here are some more pics of that adorable diaper cake Donna & Christy made. I just dont' want to take it a part. I had Aaron's mom check it out when she was over Saturday and she thought it was the neatest thing. She is very crafty and would appreciate the work and time it took to put this together. I might take it a part this weekend and put everything in it's place. Here are some more pics.... so neat!!!
Putting Things Together
This is the adorable Bee Balloon the girls from work had at my shower. It is now retired, but was soo cute!!
We've been busy putting baby stuff together. Last night we did the bouncer seat! I know the twins used theirs all the time. Ours looks very nice and I know I will use it a lot. Getting ready in the bathroom, ironing, cooking, blogging... the baby can be right next to me in its bouncer.
Tonight I laid out Baby Gus' "coming home from the hospital" outfits in the crib. My sister or mom is going to wash what ever outfit we need. If Baby Heath comes, they'll wash the blue outfit, if Baby Olivia comes they'll wash the pink one. I could wash them both and just keep which ever one I don't use... because actually now that I think about it, I pry don't have the receipts anymore. Something to talk to Aaron about. But anyways, I can't' wait to see Baby Gus in one of these. Small, new, and adorable!!!
October 16, 2007
35 Week Appointment
I weighed in first thing and have now gained a total of 17 lbs. The baby's heartbeat was at 157 and I am measuring 33 inch. He did also note that the head is down too!! Exactly where we want the little peanut! He did add another appt for me, next week we'll be going back on Thursday. I will be getting checked weekly now, I think these next 4 weeks are going to fly by!!!
I got a little hot and clammy and had to lay back on the table while Dr. Schutz was talking to us. It was soo hot in the exam room and he was talking about all this stuff... and he started to sound muffled, so I thought I'd better mention that I was feeling clammy. Aaron and Dr. Schutz took good care of me and made me feel better!!
Last night Aaron brought me supper with two Oreos on my plate, he said that "it was for Baby Gus". I just smile... I think it was cute.
Aaron was a good helper last night.... he took off my toe nail polish. I will just go plain jane until the baby comes. No one should be seeing my feet in the fall and winter anyways. If they do, tuff!!
Today is turning out to be a great day!! I love hearing the heartbeat, and love that Aaron can come with me to all my appts. He is a great partner!!
October 15, 2007
Monday Monday...
Tomorrow we have our 35th week appt. I will pry get my Strep B test and I am hoping to find out what the doctor thinks the baby's current weight is.
This past weekend I had a lot going on. Friday Pheobe had her vet appointment with my friend Dr. Melissa James @ Blanchard Valley Vet. She did great, we put her in a kennel and ate mexican... it was delicous and always a wonderful time. I love her, and of course she gave me lots of advice, since she is a new mom in August. That night we went to the Arlington vs. Leipsic game and met up with Kari & Matt, we ate Bombshelter pizza and it was sooo good. Matt and Kari enjoyed it as well.
That night was a sleepless night. I finally gave up and went to the couch at 4 am and barely slept, and then heard the alarm go off for Aaron at 6:10 am for fire hose training. I was at Wal-Mart at 7:30 and home at 9, and tried to lay down again at noon, but Travis came over, picked up his kilt and other things I had to sew for him, and then Elan came over afterwards... always nice to see her smiling face!!
Saturday we had guests... Adam, Kelly, Payton & Justice came to town. Payton had a school project she needed Grandma Rosie's help with. PJ pants. They stayed at our house and we made breakfast that next morning. My hips killed me all night... I try to rotate as much as possible but I think that night it was hourly... because of the pain.
Last night, Aaron and I went to my parents house. She found some old videos of Christmas of 1988 and of me singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.... needless to say it was cute to see our lives back then. My grandparents, Robin, and Travis at 4 years old... it was nice. I often wonder what it will be like 20 years from now when I watch our old family videos. I am sure it will be funny and sad. It is always sad to see those who have passed away... to hear their voices, their actions, and to know that we can no longer just pick up the phone to call them, or stop by on your way home from work... it sucks!!
Anyways, I've rambled.
2 years ago today was my bachelorettte party... I'll post some great pics from it tonight when I get home.. it was fun and can't wait for the next girls night out!! Momma needs some Arbor Mist!!
October 10, 2007
Starting week 35
Today I got my nightgown in the mail I ordered from Wal-Mart. It comes with a matching gown for the baby. It is lovely let me tell you. They just don't have plain jane gowns for adults. Especially nursing ones... they have out of this world designs that are just wrong and others look see through. When I am at the hospital and just gave birth the last thing I need is someone being able to look through my gown see my tas tas, and my woo hah. For god sakes it was pry on display for how long while in labor. ha ha!! The one I got I am happy with and think it shoul work out just fine.
I have every Friday off now before the baby comes. I am using my last week vacation. I do work the 19th because I have phones, but other than that I am off until the baby comes on Fridays. I plan to get a lot done here at home and also rest and relax.
Well off to the sewing machine. Making curtains and they are actually looking pretty nice!!
xoxo - kelly
October 9, 2007
Dr. McCullough
October 8, 2007
Back to work
Last night at 3:30 am Aaron got called out to a fire. And everytime he has gotten called out I have gotten up with him to help. This morning I grabbed his cell phone, keys, opened the garage door and got his shoes ready for him to slide on. He came running out in wind pants and a fleece... I almost wanted to say it is a fire not an ice storm. But he was in a hurry.
He didn't get home until 6:45 am. Lets just say I am sure he will be dragging today. Especially after his brothers house on Saturday night. He has a lot of sleep to catch up on. I don't mind getting up with him, kinda prepares me for the baby. It is just hard to fall back asleep when he isn't in bed with me.
Last night Aaron was able to feel the baby move a lot. He kept laughing, I love it!! I told him to push in on the hard spot, and sure enough the little one kicked him back. It was great. I am soo happy to be able to share some of these moments with him. I told him last night, "do you realize we really only have 5 Sundays left alone. That is everything goes as planned. ughhhh I can't wait!!
I am thinking of taking my last week of vacation on Fridays... 1, so I get 40 hours in before the baby comes, and 2, gives me a day to sleep in and I have a lot of stuff planned on my Fridays before the baby comes. Might be helpful. I am still thinking. We'll see.
Well off to the other websites... gotta check Ava & Ember, Robins and Chucks. My daily ritual.
October 7, 2007
Nice and Quiet
I made my brothers kilt for halloween. Took me a little research on the internet but I think it looks pretty good. Today I am starting on my curtains for the nursery. Wish me luck!
Last night I made myself a small plate of nachos and sewed... watched a little TV... read and was pry sleeping by 11 pm. Fisher got me up this morning around 10 till 8 for his restroom break and to be fed.
It was nice doing my own thing and the quiet was wonderful! Won't be many quiet nights coming up... ha ha!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Work Baby Shower
Goodies from Jess. She just got engaged. They are getting married May of 2008! Now we can start the wedding shower planning. Our office makes full circle I swear.
This is the adorable "DIAPER CAKE" that Donna made. She is so creative. I love her!
Markie J BUSTED picking his nose!
Toys from Lisa & McKenzie. Perfect for the carseat and stroller.
Floppy seat from Diana, Kay, Jeanenne and Kim.
Gowns from Heather, Tom & Addison.
Pooh clothes and hat from Dianne.
Soft and fuzzy blanket from Jeanette.
The Bee Cake Diane got from Great Scot. She was worried about it, and I think it is cute.
This is the knife they gave us to cut the cake with... dangerous!
A view down the table
Markie J looking jealous of mommy holding McKenzie