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October 15, 2007

Monday Monday...

Well today I am back to work after a 3 day weekend. This past weekend started the lovely pelvic pain... feels like it is splitting in half. I had the worst on Saturday and now it does feel much better today.

Tomorrow we have our 35th week appt. I will pry get my Strep B test and I am hoping to find out what the doctor thinks the baby's current weight is.

This past weekend I had a lot going on. Friday Pheobe had her vet appointment with my friend Dr. Melissa James @ Blanchard Valley Vet. She did great, we put her in a kennel and ate mexican... it was delicous and always a wonderful time. I love her, and of course she gave me lots of advice, since she is a new mom in August. That night we went to the Arlington vs. Leipsic game and met up with Kari & Matt, we ate Bombshelter pizza and it was sooo good. Matt and Kari enjoyed it as well.

That night was a sleepless night. I finally gave up and went to the couch at 4 am and barely slept, and then heard the alarm go off for Aaron at 6:10 am for fire hose training. I was at Wal-Mart at 7:30 and home at 9, and tried to lay down again at noon, but Travis came over, picked up his kilt and other things I had to sew for him, and then Elan came over afterwards... always nice to see her smiling face!!

Saturday we had guests... Adam, Kelly, Payton & Justice came to town. Payton had a school project she needed Grandma Rosie's help with. PJ pants. They stayed at our house and we made breakfast that next morning. My hips killed me all night... I try to rotate as much as possible but I think that night it was hourly... because of the pain.

Last night, Aaron and I went to my parents house. She found some old videos of Christmas of 1988 and of me singing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.... needless to say it was cute to see our lives back then. My grandparents, Robin, and Travis at 4 years old... it was nice. I often wonder what it will be like 20 years from now when I watch our old family videos. I am sure it will be funny and sad. It is always sad to see those who have passed away... to hear their voices, their actions, and to know that we can no longer just pick up the phone to call them, or stop by on your way home from work... it sucks!!

Anyways, I've rambled.

2 years ago today was my bachelorettte party... I'll post some great pics from it tonight when I get home.. it was fun and can't wait for the next girls night out!! Momma needs some Arbor Mist!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I actually forgot about having to rotate at night!!I use to call myself a rotisserie chicken :) haha