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October 23, 2007

Urgent Visit to Dr. Schutz

Today around 2:30 pm I started to feel funny. Very warm, headache, tingly fingers and sick to my stomach. I thought it would pass and thought that it was from girls having their space heaters on at work. But come 4:00 pm I just couldn't take it anymore, I felt crappy and knew it was a different feeling.

I had Jeanenne take my blood pressure and it was higher than normal. She also mentioned that I have an irregular heart beat.

I called the Dr. and they said to come in and they would check to see if everything was okay. I got there, did my pee test, for the first time I had both negatives. She had my blood pressure as 140/78 and Jeanenne had it at 138/88. Juleen the nurse also noted my irregular heartbeat. I have never had anyone tell me that before.

She consulted with the Dr. and he suggest a non-stress test. I got to hear the little one in there beating away and moving all over. It was nice and I did pass the test with flying colors. I am also having small contractions. They are small, nothing compared to the real thing I am sure.

Dr. Schutz visited with me, listened to my irregular heart beat and re-assured me that everything was okay. We see him again Thursday and then again on the 30th with an ultrasound afterwards.

Tonight Aaron and I plan to cuddle on the couch and watch the result show of Dancing with the Stars.

I'll keep everyone up to date.

1 comment:

Britni said...

I'm glad everythings ok!I had a a scare like that that ended with me being sent to labor & delivery for monitoring.I was seeing these strange circles of light & having blurred vision and headaches.Which they wanted to monitor to rule out pre-clampsia.They always told me to lay on my left side,put your feet up whenever you can & drink lots of water!Keep us updated!