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October 10, 2007

Starting week 35

Tomorrow starts my 35th week! I can't believe it. I was just talking to Aaron about some of the feelings I've been thinking. He asks me what my gut feeling is as to the sex of the baby, and I can't pin point it exactly. I feel that it is a boy.... but when I think to the future and I see myself saying "she's sleeping"... or "time for her feeding". I dont' know. And when I go to the baby sections I am drawn to the boys stuff. Not sure if it because I have nephews and that is what I am used to... but I am half and half of course.

Today I got my nightgown in the mail I ordered from Wal-Mart. It comes with a matching gown for the baby. It is lovely let me tell you. They just don't have plain jane gowns for adults. Especially nursing ones... they have out of this world designs that are just wrong and others look see through. When I am at the hospital and just gave birth the last thing I need is someone being able to look through my gown see my tas tas, and my woo hah. For god sakes it was pry on display for how long while in labor. ha ha!! The one I got I am happy with and think it shoul work out just fine.

I have every Friday off now before the baby comes. I am using my last week vacation. I do work the 19th because I have phones, but other than that I am off until the baby comes on Fridays. I plan to get a lot done here at home and also rest and relax.

Well off to the sewing machine. Making curtains and they are actually looking pretty nice!!

xoxo - kelly

1 comment:

Britni said...

Happy 35 weeks!

You are so close!

I think I got a silky pj set for Ava's birth.For Ember's birth I just brought a comfy shirt & comfy pants for after the birth.

ALL of the nurses see your ta ta's while your there.I even had a lactation consultant in the room actually holding my boob helping Ava nurse,since I had no clue what I was doing the 1st time,hahaha.I REALLY have no shame now.Even for Ember's birth though I didn't want a lot of people in the room.They tried sneaking a student nurse in to watch & I told them no :)Like I needed any more eyes on me,please!

I am so excited for you though.I guessed girl for you but either will be sooo much fun of course!