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October 18, 2007

Packing for the Hospital

Last night I was trying to put a few things in my hospital bag and the baby's diaper bag. I dont' want to over do it, I have lists from online and from our birthing classes. It is soo nerve wrecking to think that we'll go in just Aaron and I, and leave with a baby!! Auhhhhhhhh!!!

I am getting so anxious to know what we are having. We have our next ultrasound on October 3oth and hope to god that it doesn't show any private parts! I can't wait for that big moment of silence as Dr. Schutz pulls the baby out and says "It is a ......" and we are like YEAH!!!! I think Aaron will have tears of joy either way... and that will just make me cry as well. It is going to be so worth it.

I so want to be able to go without the epidural. I pray to god every night that he can give me the strength to pull through. I know if I breath, and use the ball, and walk, and have Aaron I should be able to do it just fine. Wish me luck!!!

Sunday brings us to exactly one month before my due date... I can't believe it. I remember counting weeks 7, 8, 14, 20 and so on. I was so excited to make it to half way and now here we are 4 weeks away!

I am so excited to hold this little one in my hands, but also feel soo blessed to be able to have it with me where ever I go. Just put my hands on my belly, rub it and smile!! It is a feeling that I can't explain... something every women should be able to experience and never take for granted!!

Well I've rambled enough... I work all day tomorrow and then have every Friday off until I deliver... it is soo close!!

Have a great day!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I agree pregnancy is great!It's funny thinking back at what Mark & I's worries were right before we had Ava.When you have your second baby the things you worry about change.I already knew what to expect so I was just focused on Ember getting out ok.I was also so sad Ava wasn't with us.

You can totally make it without an epidural.Both times I got mine it was so close to the end I would have been fine.Just keep telling yourself,"I can make it a little longer...a little longer"...believe me once you hit 8 cm you'll want an epi,but you can do it,I know you can!The birthing ball is great & the breathing techniques really do work for pain relief.