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April 30, 2008

Peek A Boo with Olivia

Last night after Aaron left for work Olivia and I sprawled out on the floor with her safari mat and I folded laundry while she entertained herself. Well she then rolled off the mat a little and I thought I'd try something new with one of her blankets I was folding... she loved it. Maybe a new game she likes... but it didn't last for long. She was up until 4 am this morning wide awake and she would cry when ever she woudl cough. I hope her new medicine starts to work soon. I feel so terrible for her when she cries and tears actually appear... it rips my heart out. I was starting to get so tired and loosing my patience, which I HATE!! So I called Aaron and he wasn't available so I just told the guy no biggy.

Aaron calls me back and says when I call at 10 till 4 am it has to be something or I wouldn't be calling. I just needed him to re-asure me that I was doing everything I could to make her comfortable. And it was nice to hear his voice... and literally 10 minutes later she was sleeping.

When you wake up to her talking to herself in her crib, walk over to her room and get this big smile, you can't be mad... they are so worth every hour of missed sleep... every lap around the living room, every minute trying to get comfy on the couch with them and just to have them smile... makes you forget all about it. I love her so much! I just wish she would start to feel better... I hate to see her miserable. Even daycare says they have noticed that she just isn't herself.

Teething Ring

Playing after our bath...

After her bath last night I pulled her hair up again in a bow. She looks so cute. She was so determined to get her toys on her exersaucer in her mouth.... everything goes there it seems like. She found this little flip book on her saucer and was amazed that she could turn the pages.

I See You.... ha ha!!!

New Bath Ring

We finally found a bath ring for Olivia. She has been trying so hard to sit up in the bath and her lounger netted thing was just too small for her. She can now sit up and play with her duckies and just loves it. She slides around in it and will only get better at sitting up in it. Even daddy thought it was a good purchase!!

Olivia is hungry for Mommy's camera...

April 28, 2008

Olivia's New Boyfriend, Conner

Friday night we went and visited a old co-worker of Aarons in Lima. Mike, Karen and Conner were so nice and made me feel like we've been old friends. We sat outside for a little bit and then when we got our Fat Jacks Pizza, we moved inside, Olivia took a small nap and we ate and chit chatted. Mike and Aaron talked about Ford, house stuff, sports and of course "want another beer?".... and Karen and I talked about jobs, kids, labor, what we want in our lives and of course more kids!!

When Karen came out in comfy capris with a tank top and hair pulled back I knew she was my kind of girl... laid back and comfortable. We are not high maintenance people at all. Conner was a sweet heart...ALL BOY!! I am so amazed at where Olivia will be and what Conner does, I think... Olivia will be doing that someday.... amazing!!

When Olivia woke up Conner was in PJs and so I put Olivia in her Ducky Pjs... they are cotton and soft and perfect for Friday nights weather. Olivia just kept screaming when we got her and Conner close together.... Conner kept pointing and saying jibberesh.... not quite knowing what he is saying yet.

All in all we had a great time and can't wait to get together again. They are super nice and down to earth. Olivia will be saving her kisses for Conner until the next time :)

April 23, 2008

Floor Time

Here is Olivia last night after her bath and being outside. She loves this mat that my mom and dad got her. She is really starting to want the toys that are hanging and one toy can keep her busy for it seems like hours. She rolls over to get other toys that I lay on the mat, but still does not roll back over. Sunday night she was playing with this and she had rolled to her belly, and I was sitting on the floor with her and I started to rub, scratch and gently massage her back, legs, hips, arms and neck and next think I knew she had her head down and just kept taking deep relaxing breaths, like "Thanks Mom this feels great". I did it for almost a half hour... she loved it and when I picked her up she put her head down on my shoulder and it didn't take very long to rock her to sleep.

New Clothes

Yesterday when we went to Findlay with Rosanne to get her trim... we stopped in at Once Upon A Child. I wanted to see if they had the pjs that have snaps at the bottom of the shirt and tops of the shorts and/or pants. I know that when I used to babysit for my cousins, years ago, they had those kind of pjs and I thought they were great. We found one pair and then as you can see lots of other stuff. A lot of the stuff I picked still had original tags. You have to be careful as to what you pick there, and there is a lot of nice stuff. I will surely go there here and there... especially for jeans and shorts.... they have tons.

Stylin' Olivia

Yesterday Olivia wore this adorable outfit to daycare. My mom got it for her and it is too cute. I know you really can't see it too well in these pics but you get the idea. Pink ruffly top and white capris with a pink/white gingham belt and ruffled bottom. All the girls at daycare just loved it and she did look so cute in it. Here she is checking out Pheobe roll around on the carpet and she loves to watch Fisher outside through the patio door. Aaron was mowing too.... she would get excited to see him drive by.

Pebbles Look-A-Like

Monday after our walk, ate supper and a bath I thought I'd try and put Olivia's hair in a small pony tail... and IT WORKED!!

She looked so cute, I just couldn't stand it. She looked so different with her hair pulled up and you could see her new hair coming in below. I have this bedtime massage gel, and I used that to help, and when it was time for bed she still had a mow hawk type hair do from the gel.

I need to get some hair stuff for her... but afraid some of it looks sharp, too tight or hard to put in. We'll see. But her hair on top is getting very long and when I comb it, it looks like a modified comb over... ah ah!! Her side hair is starting to grow back after she had rubbed it off.

Walkin' Around the Reservoir

Monday I dropped Olivia off at daycare, and then went to Huntington bank to see what I could do with my 401K from my old job. I had to make an appointment for 2 pm. So I went to mom's got on the internet and then home, showered and thought that after I picked Olivia up after my appointment I'd take her to the park or at least walk around with her stroller.

Well Aaron had to sleep that morning and after he woke up and showered he thought we could walk around the new reservoir.

Olivia slept half the way around it. I think the stones and the sounds of us walking around and talking put her to sleep. It was so nice and refreshing to go outside and just enjoy an afternoon with my husband and daughter.

We had to hike up some steps to get to the top to walk, and boy was mommy huffing and puffing... way out of shape... ha ha!!

But it felt great when we were all done.