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April 2, 2008

More Easter Pics

Since our internet is so terrible it is hard for me to post multiple pics at the same time. We've called them so many times it is ridiculous. They always have excuses and now we called today and demanded something be done to our bill because we never have consistant internet. They credited us $37.00...WOW!

They've also put in a call to have someone come to our house to see if they can do anything to fix how slow and terrible our internet is.
Here are some more pics of Olivia. Since she slept through out most of the Family Easter she opened her baskets when she woke up and totally enjoyed all of them.
Robin got her this adorable yellow bucket and it had baby food in it since she can't have candy yet and it had 2 purple daisies with a little wind mill in it with red lady bugs. She got her an adorable Nike Tennis Outfit and another outfit with camo capris and camo shoes.
Nana & Papa got her this adorable bunny, Jungle Book DVD and a complete outfit including hat (above) and jelly sandles... pink! It is all so cute! Thanks to everyone.... Olivia loves it all!
Today she had squash for the 2nd day and loves it. She has her mouth open even before we get to reload the spoon. She started with carrots now squash and next will be sweet potatoes. One more night of squash and then we'll go to the next orange veggie.
Today when dropping her off to daycare we brought cupcakes for the girls. Last week we brought cookies... they are all so nice there. We want them to know how much we appreciate them. They all do such great work.... they do so much for our kids.
Tomorrow Aaron is off and then works the weekend. Friday night I am going scrapbooking with my future Sister-in-law Heather and Robin is watching Olivia for me. I am looking forward to it.

1 comment:

Britni said...

Ember has that same bright pink sippy. She loves it! It's a nice one! We try out every sippy known to man :)

Love her hat!!