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April 15, 2008

Olivia's Daycare Class Picture

Here is Olivia's Daycare Class Picture. Ms. Robyn is my favorite at Loving Care Day Care. I love how Olivia's bib is thrown to the side of the picture...

There wasn't that many kids there that day... there is a 1:5 ratio and I would have dressed Olivia differently if I would have known she was getting some pictures done.

Today she is at daycare but not for long... she has a cough and runny nose. I took her to the Dr. hoping there wasn't an ear infection starting and he said that he would like to start an antibiotic because children have been getting pretty sick here lately... so we are starting her on Amox 3x a day.

She actually slept really good last night. Only got up at 3:50 am and took a juice bottle... and back to bed. Robin suggest the 1/2 juice and 1/2 water instead of a milk bottle so that she doesn't get any more milk product than she needs. So through the night we start a juice bottle just to give her the full feeling she is craving. She took it great and loved it.

At her doctor appointment yesterday she weighed in at 19 lb and 4 oz. She is growing like a weed!! I think her favorite veggie is Peas and her favorite fruit is applesauce.

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

What a cute daycare picture.