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April 30, 2008

Peek A Boo with Olivia

Last night after Aaron left for work Olivia and I sprawled out on the floor with her safari mat and I folded laundry while she entertained herself. Well she then rolled off the mat a little and I thought I'd try something new with one of her blankets I was folding... she loved it. Maybe a new game she likes... but it didn't last for long. She was up until 4 am this morning wide awake and she would cry when ever she woudl cough. I hope her new medicine starts to work soon. I feel so terrible for her when she cries and tears actually appear... it rips my heart out. I was starting to get so tired and loosing my patience, which I HATE!! So I called Aaron and he wasn't available so I just told the guy no biggy.

Aaron calls me back and says when I call at 10 till 4 am it has to be something or I wouldn't be calling. I just needed him to re-asure me that I was doing everything I could to make her comfortable. And it was nice to hear his voice... and literally 10 minutes later she was sleeping.

When you wake up to her talking to herself in her crib, walk over to her room and get this big smile, you can't be mad... they are so worth every hour of missed sleep... every lap around the living room, every minute trying to get comfy on the couch with them and just to have them smile... makes you forget all about it. I love her so much! I just wish she would start to feel better... I hate to see her miserable. Even daycare says they have noticed that she just isn't herself.

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