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April 23, 2008

Pebbles Look-A-Like

Monday after our walk, ate supper and a bath I thought I'd try and put Olivia's hair in a small pony tail... and IT WORKED!!

She looked so cute, I just couldn't stand it. She looked so different with her hair pulled up and you could see her new hair coming in below. I have this bedtime massage gel, and I used that to help, and when it was time for bed she still had a mow hawk type hair do from the gel.

I need to get some hair stuff for her... but afraid some of it looks sharp, too tight or hard to put in. We'll see. But her hair on top is getting very long and when I comb it, it looks like a modified comb over... ah ah!! Her side hair is starting to grow back after she had rubbed it off.

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

I use to do Lily's hair like this. I loved it!!!!