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April 23, 2008

Walkin' Around the Reservoir

Monday I dropped Olivia off at daycare, and then went to Huntington bank to see what I could do with my 401K from my old job. I had to make an appointment for 2 pm. So I went to mom's got on the internet and then home, showered and thought that after I picked Olivia up after my appointment I'd take her to the park or at least walk around with her stroller.

Well Aaron had to sleep that morning and after he woke up and showered he thought we could walk around the new reservoir.

Olivia slept half the way around it. I think the stones and the sounds of us walking around and talking put her to sleep. It was so nice and refreshing to go outside and just enjoy an afternoon with my husband and daughter.

We had to hike up some steps to get to the top to walk, and boy was mommy huffing and puffing... way out of shape... ha ha!!

But it felt great when we were all done.

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