Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 7, 2007

Classes will begin...

Tonight is our first class at BVH. Tonight is breastfeeding and then the next 3 Tuesdays will be birthing classes. I am excited to start these classes and see how Aaron and I do with the information we receive. We borrowed a baby doll from Ryan and Stephanie... it is a very real looking baby doll... this should be interesting!

Tonight Aaron has picked Main Street Deli for supper... not Chipotle... but the deli! Ha ha!! Next Tuesday we se the Dr. again and that is at 3:50 pm and maybe that day we can travel across town to eat the delicous Chipotle. We'll have more time hopefully.

I can't believe that we coming down to 14 weeks left in our pregnancy. When I think of what we've been through and what we have left it amazes me. I know the worst is yet to come, labor and delivery.... but we all know the prize at the end is very much worth it.

My sister had this cute frame with ROBIN in seperate letters on her wall in scrapbooking nook... I might just spend the money to get the letters from Hobby Lobby... I will need Heath and Olivia for that just in case I bring home a boy or a girl. I want these letters hung on the wall with black checkered ribbon with the letters painted black. Everything in my house should be black for how much I pick it out... terrible I know. Robin's name is soo cute in her room. I might need her help :)

Last night Travis came over with a Yellow Mini Cooper that he is test driving. He is debating between a Mini or a Jeep Wrangler. I like the Cooper... it is sooo flippin' cute!

Anyways... I think I might venture to Speedway for a Sierra Mist and something sweet.

kelly ;)

1 comment:

Robin said...

yes, I too liked the Cooper, he bought it today. I will call you tonight, I didn't have time last night. OH, you will be at booby classes, I will call you anyway.