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October 30, 2007

37 Week Appt

Well lets just start out by saying today has been a HUGE eye opener!! Got to our appt and weighed in... I think I weigh the same as last week... I forgot to ask but that huge number on the scale looked the same!! Blood pressure, good and my sugar was a little high but I think it was because of my breakfast... Brown Sugar Oatmeal.

Dr. Schutz comes in, tells me that now is the time not to take what I am feeling for granted... if I have any questions at all to call. I am now what they call Term. He says that I would go into labor now he would not stop it.

He measured me, and I am still measuring up to date. He felt around and could tell that the baby's head is down and the baby's body is on my left side of my stomach. It is amazing that he can tell that.

The baby's heartbeat was at 152. He then checked me and we now nearing the 1 cm mark. But he re-asurred me that I could be that for weeks. It is nice to know that we are making some progress.... from fingertip to almost a cm.

I then informed him that we had our ultrasound following our appt today and he told us that if he found anything out of the ordinary he would call.

We go for our Ultrasound and the baby is scrunched in there.... jammed packed. Kristin (ultrasound tech) even mentioned that here is very little room left. She chouldn't get good pictures, the baby's head is down and facing towards my back. She took measurements of the head, abdomen and femur bone. And guess what the baby's weight is? She did tell us it could go 1 pound either way.

8 lb, 4 oz

Yes that is right... we have a little chubby bunny in here. I looked over at Aaron and he had this huge smile on his face. I couldn't believe that the baby could be that big already!! I was guessing maybe 6 lb...even 7 lb.

I can't wait to go in next week and hear what Dr. Schutz has to say. I really don't want to be induced but I also don't want to have a 10lb or bigger baby and possible be forced into an epidural or C-Section. Basically what the Dr. suggests I am fine with.

My parents were so shocked when I called to tell them what the estimated weight was. My dad even yelled into the phone "RIGHT NOW"? Meaning the baby weighs that right now? ha ha I couldn't help but laugh!

Padre guessed me on November 14th with a 8lb 8 oz baby . That could still happen if the baby is around 7 lb right now and the story that all baby's gain a pound a week is not true... as said by Dr. Schutz. Everyone is different... as I am finding out.

I can't wait for next week now. I'll post the pics I did get today when I get home from work. I got a pic of the spine, foot, and toes.


Britni said...

Oh my goodness!!At this stage I think the baby gains 1/2 a pound a week too!I hope you go soon! :)

Robin said...

Ummm... I guessed November 14th with 9lbs 2oz!!!! I might win!!!

Christy and Chad said...

Well I hate to tell you this but at 37 1/2 weeks, Mrs. Lily weighed in at 9lbs 8 oz and I delivered her with a scheduled c-section 1 1/2 weeks later and she was 10lbs 3oz. If you don't go into labor soon you may have a 10 pounder on your hands:) Don't worry though, I really didn't want a c-section either but let me tell you it was soooooo EASY!!!!!