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October 25, 2007

37 Wk Appt

Today we had our 37 week appt. I have lossed a pound and my blood pressure is doing great!! I am having major hip pain today, Aaron says I am waddling now. ha ah!!

The baby's heartbeat was at 147 and I am still a Fingertip Dilated. Which is soo fine with me. I'd like to go as long as possible and not have to be induced. I would really like to go on my own, but the doctors know what is best. If he says today, then I will not argue.

Our next appt is Tuesday and we get an ultrasound afterwards! I can't wait to see the baby again!


Britni said...

Well you officially considered full term now & the babies lungs are developed.I loved hitting 37 weeks.That is when I started trying to get things going!!

Britni said...

By the way that place was called Blenden Woods.It's one of the many metro parks around here!

Britni said...

Or maybe it's spelled Blendon...hmm