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October 7, 2007

Work Baby Shower

The gang, take 1
Take 2

Goodies from Jess. She just got engaged. They are getting married May of 2008! Now we can start the wedding shower planning. Our office makes full circle I swear.

This huge basket is full of goodies from Fastar!
This is the adorable "DIAPER CAKE" that Donna made. She is so creative. I love her!
Markie J BUSTED picking his nose!
Toys from Lisa & McKenzie. Perfect for the carseat and stroller.

Floppy seat from Diana, Kay, Jeanenne and Kim.
Gowns from Heather, Tom & Addison.
Pooh clothes and hat from Dianne.
Soft and fuzzy blanket from Jeanette.

Markie J giving "Aunt" Kari a high five.
The Bee Cake Diane got from Great Scot. She was worried about it, and I think it is cute.
This is the knife they gave us to cut the cake with... dangerous!

Markie J dipping his chips in salsa.
A view down the table
Markie J looking jealous of mommy holding McKenzie

Thursday night at Rancho Fiesta the girls at work threw me a baby shower. It was very nice. I got a lot of nice things and the food was delicious as always! We had the cutey pie McKenzie there who is 5 months old now, and Markie J who is 14 months... and Timmy who is I belive almost 5 years old. I remember going to Libby's shower. Time does fly by. The girls at work are all so nice, helpful and always listening to my questions and complaints... ha ha!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Love the diaper cake!Christy made me one too!

The babies that were there are so cute :)
It looks like you all had a great time!