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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

April 11, 2008

Hanging with Aunt Robin, Uncle Chris & Cousins Ryley & Hunter

The boys were being silly last night... they were laughing at Olivia too. She was tooting up a storm when she would try to roll over. Ryley thought it was so funny. Hunter read Olivia a "Bug, Bug, Bug" book. He did great and Olivia loved the brightly colored pictures. Today they brought cookies to school for their Birthday. They turn the big 7!!!

Last night we hung out a while after giving Ryley & Hunter their presents. Olivia is so relaxed with Robin... just loves to hang out with her. Robin has lost a lot of weight and I am so proud of her... soon we'll be swapping clothes. I keep gaining and she keeps losing!! ha ha

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

I love how she is just hanging out with the boys:)