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April 23, 2008

New Clothes

Yesterday when we went to Findlay with Rosanne to get her trim... we stopped in at Once Upon A Child. I wanted to see if they had the pjs that have snaps at the bottom of the shirt and tops of the shorts and/or pants. I know that when I used to babysit for my cousins, years ago, they had those kind of pjs and I thought they were great. We found one pair and then as you can see lots of other stuff. A lot of the stuff I picked still had original tags. You have to be careful as to what you pick there, and there is a lot of nice stuff. I will surely go there here and there... especially for jeans and shorts.... they have tons.


Christy and Chad said...

Wow looks like Olivia made out!!!

Britni said...

That is the same type of store that I work at except my store is a bit pickier about what they buy from you.I love it & rarely buy things brand new anymore :) I love "bubble" suit for the girls in the summer!